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    Lieutenant on Deck!

    I’m wrapping up a series for a show that I’m having in nineteen days (yikes!), so I’m pulling from the archives again.  Incentive to join the Empire never looked so adorable.  (Somehow I doubt adorable is the image they were…

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    Fair? Who needs fair?

    I saw Snow White and the Huntsman tonight and while I enjoyed it I kept wondering what Snow White would be like if she didn’t have to rely on someone to protect her.  This princess means business; I doubt you’ll…

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    Steampunk Looking Glass

    My mom’s been in town visiting, so posting has gotten (and will likely continue to be) a little sporadic.  Still, I wanted to make up for the past two days with some drawings from the archives.  Hopefully I’ll be able…

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    Splish! Splash!

    I’ve been watching The Adventures of Korra religiously lately and that of course rekindled my love with bending.  A friend fancies herself as a waterbender, so I couldn’t resist. The others are like to follow. -Valentine

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    I am Iron Man!

    This is an oldie (but a goodie) that I drew ages ago and never sat down to finish. Truth be told there are a lot of those that I look to finish up in the coming days. It’s no big…

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    The Queen of Cakes!

    Face it: bakers are superheros. It’s about time they got the respect and admiration they deserve. Now, I’m not just saying that because the only people I’m hanging out with these days are bakers. And it has nothing to do…

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    Up, up, and away!

    Merry Christmas to one and all! When I turned in my pockets there wasn’t much to be found, so I reverted to my childhood and made her gifts this year. I’ve never been much of a DC man myself, but…