Shadow Cat and Colossus: Part III
After a little more time things are looking pretty solid. If I had to guess, I’d say I’m about halfway done at this point. But sadly it’s the back half that — as I slow down to make better choices…
Shadow Cat and Colossus: Part II
Here’s the first in progress shot as I was plugging away at this piece. Most of the hard work with these is figuring out the value strings — once that’s done it’s just a matter of rendering, which, really, is…
Shadow Cat and Colossus: Part I
I’m going to try something new over the next couple of days; I feel as if I’ve been posting a lot of sketch work recently, and not a whole lot of finishes. So, I’m going to post some progress shots…
Continuing with the celestial cuties that comprise the zodiac, here’s Leo. She wound up being one of the more challenging pieces to complete since I knew there was going to be a lot of yellow and light colors in general.…
Tall Bikes
Tall bikes. It’s a Portland thing. Can’t say I really understand it, myself, but there you have it. I can say, however, that I relished the challenge of drawing one. They are kind of neat — even if they are…
Without you this is impossible
When I was sixteen (seventeen?) I was invited to take part in a portfolio review day at the California College of Arts and Crafts. To say that I was excited would be an understatement. With the tireless help of my…
Stop! Hammer-and-Sickle time!
When I drew this little Soviet sweetheart, I envisioned she’d be standing on something. I never quite got around to deciding what that something would be. So for now (and likely forever more) she’ll be standing on… nothing. I can…
Now that Rose City ComicCon is over I won’t feel bad about posting all of the drawings I did in preparation I did for it. (There’s no longer any surprise to ruin, is there?) This was one of many 4″x6″…
Happy Monday
This past weekend was the Rose City ComicCon and I managed to survive. It was a trial, more in the getting ready than the doing, but that’s not unfamiliar territory for me. I’m still processing all that occurred (I had…
I’ll be setting up at the Rose City Comic Con in roughly six hours — which means I’ll be dealing with the public in about eight — and I’m still up working on stuff, but that’s normal, yeah? Until next…