Where does she get those wonderful toys?
I’ve been absent; I apologize. To help remedy that a friend of mine called me out. We made a pact that we’d each update our blogs four times a week. I had been hoping to keep sketches off of this…
I am Iron Man!
This is an oldie (but a goodie) that I drew ages ago and never sat down to finish. Truth be told there are a lot of those that I look to finish up in the coming days. It’s no big…
The Queen of Cakes!
Face it: bakers are superheros. It’s about time they got the respect and admiration they deserve. Now, I’m not just saying that because the only people I’m hanging out with these days are bakers. And it has nothing to do…
Up, up, and away!
Merry Christmas to one and all! When I turned in my pockets there wasn’t much to be found, so I reverted to my childhood and made her gifts this year. I’ve never been much of a DC man myself, but…
Mahalo, Miss Mallow
I was in Chico visiting some friends of mine over night and one of them has an iPad. I’ve never before played with an iPad, so of course I took the opportunity to idly flip through it and play with…
Done awhile ago for Illustration Friday. The prompt was cocoon. -Valentine