Muse Art + Design here in Portland has started to showcase local artists in one of their shop windows. The idea is to give each artist a month to display a piece of art that measures 4′ x 4′ and wouldn’t you know it? I got the inaugural month! Since most of my pieces are digital (with the occasional marker and water color piece) the first question I asked myself was “how on earth am I going to do a four-foot drawing?” Chalk pastels were the answer. I figured I spend enough time trying to emulate them I might as well actually use them at some point.
So I commandeered the living room floor, locked the dogs out, and spent a weekend crawling around and playing with chalk. I’m not gonna lie, I felt like a kid again.
If you’re in the area you should stop by and check it out (the folks at Muse are real nice), but if not, you can at least follow the project at It should prove to be a great community show!