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    Without you this is impossible

    When I was sixteen (seventeen?) I was invited to take part in a portfolio review day at the California College of Arts and Crafts.  To say that I was excited would be an understatement.  With the tireless help of my…

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    Stop! Hammer-and-Sickle time!

    When I drew this little Soviet sweetheart, I envisioned she’d be standing on something.  I never quite got around to deciding what that something would be.  So for now (and likely forever more) she’ll be standing on… nothing.  I can…

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    Now that Rose City ComicCon is over I won’t feel bad about posting all of the drawings I did in preparation I did for it.  (There’s no longer any surprise to ruin, is there?)  This was one of many 4″x6″…

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    Happy Monday

    This past weekend was the Rose City ComicCon and I managed to survive.  It was a trial, more in the getting ready than the doing, but that’s not unfamiliar territory for me.  I’m still processing all that occurred (I had…

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    I’ll be setting up at the Rose City Comic Con in roughly six hours — which means I’ll be dealing with the public in about eight — and I’m still up working on stuff, but that’s normal, yeah? Until next…